Ego Pharmaceuticals has become the first Australian Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology company to join the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), being accepted as a member in November 2021.

The UNGC is an initiative of the United Nations Secretary General to bring together companies across the globe to align their operations and strategies with the principles of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.

Ego’s internal Sustainability Committee is already driving the implementation of strong initiatives across the business that align with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the UNGC’s key principles.

These initiatives include projects to reduce energy and water usage, improve packaging recyclability and reduce waste, as well as implementing a Business Partner Code of Conduct Policy which encompasses considerations such as Modern Slavery, Child Labour, Diversity, Health & Safety, Bribery & Corruption and Conflicts of Interest.

Ego will now be reporting on this work through the United Nations each year.